In service to women and the truth held in their bodies
I invite you into my space and home where you can experience women's care as it was always meant to be—shared with wisdom passed down through generations.Just as women before us gathered to connect and tend to their bodies and hearts. A sensorial experience for the body with soothing sufi soundscapes,the scent of Persian rose water, frankincense smoke in the air and an atmosphere of warmth and nurturing
Located in my beautiful spaces in Temecula & Agoura Hills
First womb continuum session
We begin by having a conversation and going over the intake form and a short body reading. Then flowing into a waterbowl meditation to ground into your body and start the hands on belly and pelvic bodywork blending structural integration and deep abdominal womb(sobada) work to support reproductive and pelvic health with deep presence, breath and education. Always listening to the tissues and your needs. Ending with shared reflection and cup of tea in the backyard
1hr girls+teens under 18/$100
This work is gentle but very beneficial for all girls/young women wanting to connect with their womb space and become empowered with education of their anatomy, body literacy and cycles as they start there journey into womanhood. Sessions are typically shorter because the do not have the same levels of adhesion, scar tissue etc that adults do.
Follow up womb continuum session
Checking in to see how things have shifted and returning back to the tissues, unfolding new layers, establishing deeper trust with hands on belly and pelvic bodywork. To begin and ground into your body I will do a water bowl meditation and then start the hands on belly work blending structural integration and deep abdominal womb work(sobada) to support reproductive and pelvic health with deep presence, breath and education. Always listening to the tissues and your needs.Ending with shared reflection and cup of tea in the backyard
Internal pelvic bodywork
*To honor the depth of this work we go in layers of the body to establish trust and get the tissues ready to go deeper - you must first receive 2 hands on womb continuum sessions before exploring internal work
Hands on/ Hands in pelvic and belly bodywork. Starting off with belly work to create space and moving into slow therapeutic internal touch to release tension within the vulva and pelvic bowl muscles,tissues and fascia while releasing of stored emotions, and promoting blood, lymph flow and vitality to support reproductive and pelvic health. Intentional touch to deepen and reconnect with your pelvic space. Always listening to the tissues and your needs.Ending with shared reflection and cup of tea in the backyard
Vulva Mapping
If you are not ready to have your tissues worked on we can start slow by using intentional touch by holding the vulva and mapping the anatomy to observe sensations, release emotions stored in the tissue and deepen the connection and safety to this essential part of your female body. Always listening to the tissues and your needs. Ending with shared reflection and cup of tea in the backyard
No, hands on bodywork and massage are very different. While I work on you there needs to be a level of engagement and understanding of what I am doing. It is a co-creation and together we make lasting changes in your body.
Castor oil packing the days leading up would be very beneficial to begin the process of softening adhesions and granting us easier access to deeper tissue layers and organs.
On the day of the session please come with clean skin, free of oils and moisturizer. We will be working with castor oil so if there is an allergy, please let me know. I require my clients to come to their sessions sober in order to be fully aware and present in their body throughout the session. This includes refraining from the use of alcohol, vaping, psychedelics, and stimulants.
If you have belly button piercings, they must be removed and stay removed for the duration of your womb continuum care.
If you use cortisone, medicated, or hormonal topical creams, please do not apply them until after our session
You do not need to wear any clothing or you may choose to wear a loose tank top (no bra) and underwear. You will feel cozy and covered with sheets.
Yes, I will hold space for your emotions to release and always reorienting you back to your body to see where you feel it in the physical. This is very important, so we do not get stuck in the story or our minds and integrate it into our being. If you have experienced trauma/ with ex: birth, surgery, sexual violations and want to release and reconnect, rewriting the story of your body and womb hands-on work will support that.
This work does not replace trauma therapy however it is very powerful alongside therapy to really integrate in your somatic body all that you’re processing with safe touch.
Yes absolutely. It can also help with menstrual discomfort
Allow the 1st trimester to be a time of rest and protection. You are welcome to book in from 14-15 weeks and throughout pregnancy. Immediately after a vaginal birth. Wait at least 10-12 weeks following a caesarean section.
This work is wonderful to get your body ready for labor and postpartum to help the womb, organs and bones back into alignment. Newborn babies are welcome to join with mama
Yes. I recommend investing in bodywork during your preconception, hands on work helps with fertility and getting the body ready to hold baby. While actively not trying to get pregnant. If you are actively trying to conceive, please schedule your sessions between your bleed and ovulation, not in the weeks after ovulation
Yes this work is for every woman wanting to connect to their bodies, womb and bring it into alignment. We could all use tender care of our womb space. These sessions are great to have as part of your wellness routine and learn deeper about this vital force of our female body
Unfortunately, no. There is a chance that while we do the deep belly work it could cause your IUD to dislodge and perforate your uterus or cause damage to your surrounding tissue/organs.
Each body is unique and requires different care. This type or care is essential along the womb continuum from youth to end of life.
It is safe to say that 3-6 sessions would be beneficial. Each time we work together we are able to go a little deeper. Each time we work together, a new layer unfolds and we are able to access different parts of your body. How many sessions will depend on your health goals and desires. If you have a lot going on, it likely did not happen over night -this work can initially show a lot of shifts and it is a devotional process of working with your body and tissue to unravel layers of stagnation and dis-ease.
Yes, this work is gentle but very beneficial for all girls/young women wanting to connect with their womb space and education of their anatomy and cycles
Sessions are typically shorter because the do not have the same levels of adhesion, scar tissue etc that adults do.
I offer a discounted rate to girls under the age of 18
I also require a parent to be present the full length of our first session. Follow up sessions are at the discretion of the parent/child whether they remain in attendance.
Cash is appreciated or Zelle